Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week Twenty Five

Last week we studied our last body system, so this week we will spend some time summarizing all of the important human body information. We will also begin looking at how all living things are organized through taxonomy. At the end of the week we will begin reviewing our 5 Kingdoms and learning how to use dichotomous keys (taxonomic keys) to identify an unknown organism.

A tentative schedule this week includes

Monday - Notes on Classification/Human Body Organizer/Finish Lung Capacity Lab and Taxonomy Article
Tuesday - Notebook Quiz/Classification Continued/Using Dichotomous Keys/Human Body Organizer
Wednesday - Feb. Book Check/Using Dichotomous Keys/Reviewing Kingdoms
Thursday - Beanie Baby Lab/Human Body Organizer
Friday - Finish Beanie Baby Lab/Reviewing Kingdoms

Homework this week includes:

Book Check on Wednesday (must have a Level 4 and 4 points or higher AR book)

Notebook Quiz Tuesday

Human Body Organizer Due Friday

Why Scientists use binomial nomenclature? Due Friday (work on at home)

Kingdom Worksheet Due Wednesday 2/20

Classification Study Guide Due Wednesday 2/20

Classification Quiz Thursday 2/21

Helpful Websites:

Kingdoms and Classification
Adaptation and Competition
Feeding Relationships
Kids do Ecology
Classifying Critters
Classifying Living Things
Examples of Kingdoms
Links for the Kingdoms