Sunday, January 28, 2007

Week Twenty-three

This week we will be finishing up classification and moving onto the study of ecosystems!

Monday - Classification Lab
Tuesday - Classification Lab Continued
Wednesday - Beanie Baby Lab / Intro to Ecology
Thursday - Kingdom Vocabulary Quiz /Review for Quiz / Intro to Ecology
Friday - Classification Quiz / Reading Chapter 22 and working on Vocabulary

Homework this week includes the Binomial Nomenclature Picture and Kingdom Worksheet due this Monday, Chapter 6 Vocabulary due on Tuesday, the Classification quiz study guide due on Thursday, studying for the Classification Quiz on Friday, and the Ecosystem Picture due Monday - The vocabulary quiz will be moved to Thursday to accommodate the Classification Quiz on Friday!!

Useful Websites:

Kingdoms and Classification
Adaptation and Competition
Feeding Relationships
Kids do Ecology

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Week Twenty-two

This week, we'll be finishing up the topic of evolution and moving on to classification.

Monday - Geologic Time Line Research / Finish Period Cards
Tuesday - Fill in Major Events in Time / Review for Evolution Test
Wednesday - Evolution Test / Read p.182 - 188 Classification W.S. & Vocab.
Thursday - Classification Discussion / Scientific Naming / Dichotomous Keys
Friday - On-line Classifying Activity / Begin Dichotomous Key Lab

Homework this week includes studying for the Chapter 5 Evolution Test Wednesday, Finishing your Geologic Time Period Cards by Tuesday, correcting your Geologic Time Pre-test by Wednesday, reading Chapter 6 pages 182 - 191 and finishing the Chapter 6 vocabulary by Monday (1/29), Binomial Nomenclature Drawing Due by Monday (1/29).

Websites for in-class Classifying Activity:
Classifying Critters
Classifying Living Things

Helpful Websites (refer to last weeks entry for other evolution websites):
Geologic Time Review
Continental Drift During Earth's History
Classification for Kids
Tree of Life
Examples of Kingdoms
Links for the Kingdoms

Monday, January 15, 2007

Week Twenty-one

So much to do, and so little time. This week we will be finishing up chapter 5 "Changes Over Time". I anticipated getting further than we did last week, but because of our exciting discussions some of the lessons from last week had to be moved to this week.

A tentative schedule for this week includes:

Tuesday - Mantis Article Questions / Natural Selection on-line activity / Variations Lab
Wednesday - Brain Pop Videos / Notes on Evidence for Evolution / Finish Variations Lab
Thursday - Brain Pop Video / Notes on Geologic time scale / Time scale tapping / Pre-test over time scale
Friday - Vocabulary Quiz / Geologic Time Scale Lab / Chapter 5 Study Guide

Homework this week will be to finish reading chapter 5 and doing the remainder of the chapter 5 vocabulary by Friday, studying the 7 flashcards for the vocabulary quiz on Friday, finishing the Variations Lab by Thursday, Branching Tree worksheet due Friday, and the Chapter 5 Study Guide due by Monday.

Links for Geologic Time Scale Lab:

Earth Floor: Geologic Time
Fossil Time Line
Enchanted Learning Geologic Time Line
Berkley's Geologic Time Info

For helpful links to further your studies, please refer to week twenty and the links added below:

Evolution Games
Burying Bodies
Exploring Dinosaurs
Who is Sue?
Fighting Dinos

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Week Twenty

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing winter break, and you're ready to delve into the word of science again.

We are starting a new topic this week, that will focus on the information in chapter 5, "Changes Over Time".

A tentative schdule for our first week back:

Monday - Breeding Bunnies Lab
Tuesday - Finish Breeding Bunnies Lab / Natural Selection Activity
Wednesday - PowerPoint on Chapter 5 Section 5.1 / Darwin Travels
Thursday - Natural Selection Lab / Bird Adaptations
Friday - Vocabulary Quiz and Vocab Check / Variations Lab / Finish Bird Adaptations / Theories of Evolution W.S.

Homework this week includes studying your evolution flashcards for the vocabulary quiz on Friday, Reading Section 5.1 or pages 146 - 156 and completing the evolutionary vocabulary 1 - 12 by Friday, The Darwin Mapping Activity needs to be completed by Thursday, Theories of Evolution W.S. due Monday, Read On-line article: Mantis Shrimp by Monday (the link is below), and any labs that are not completed in class need to be turned in the following day.

Mantis Shrimp Article Link

Breeding Bunnies Lab Link

Natural Selection On-line Activity Link

Some helpful and interesting websites to aid in your studies include:

Stories from the Fossil Record
Fossil Formation
Understanding Evolution
Life History
Understanding Geologic Time
Who Was Charles Darwin?